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Harbortowne: news

October 19, 2014 - Annual Property Owners' Fees will not be increased on January 01, 2015. New Board of Directors have been elected and officer positions assigned for 2014-2018 term - see Directors page for more informaiton.

In our annual POA meeting, the property owners made and seconded a motion for and unamimously approved engineering study led by Bill Barstis to study health of our cul-de-sac's (~$6,000 - $8,000) and gate open only by remote or keypad - no schedules or exceptions - access maintained by Martin Mangold and to complete perimeter fencing, 6' iron fence with ni gate will be installed between lots 57 and 58 and lot 58 owner will be billed.

It was also unanimously agreed to strictly enforce these covenants sections* with highest priority:

  • Section 10.18.1. Perimeter Fences - Perimeter Fencing will be Enforced and Completed by the BoD, and all material and labor will be billed to the respective property owner(s). This was classified by several property owners, as a security issue and must be corrected.

  • Section 10.13. Signs - All signage, especially Political and For Sale signage, must be approved by the ARC. The emphasis was on the political signs, but all unapproved signage will be removed without notice.

  • Section 13.09. Pets - Pet excrement must not be left on any property within Harbortowne. This will in no way be tolerated, and special fees will be assigned to repeated violaters. Please read this covenemts section very carefully. The BoD has the authority to limit offending pets from property within Harbortowne.

*See Our Covenants for more informaiton on these specific sections.

September 25, 2011 - Annual Property Owners' Fees will not be increased on January 01, 2012. In our annual POA meeting, the property owners made and seconded a motion for and unamimously approved Harbortowne's first special fee of $300 per property, to cover the costs of patching, sealing, and resurfacing our streets.

It was also unanimously agreed to strictly enforce these covenants sections* with highest priority:

  • Section 10.18.1. Perimeter Fences - Perimeter Fencing will be Enforced and Completed by the BoD, and all material and labor will be billed to the respective property owner(s). This was classified by several property owners, as a security issue and must be corrected.

  • Section 10.13. Signs - All signage, especially Political and For Sale signage, must be approved by the ARC. The emphasis was on the political signs, but all unapproved signage will be removed without notice.

  • Section 13.09. Pets - Pet excrement must not be left on any property within Harbortowne. This will in no way be tolerated, and special fees will be assigned to repeated violaters. Please read this covenemts section very carefully. The BoD has the authority to limit offending pets from property within Harbortowne.

*See Our Covenants for more informaiton on these specific sections.

October 17, 2010 - Annual Property Owners' Fees will not be increased on January 01, 2011. In our annual POA meeting, the property owners unamimously approved Harbortowne's 2010-2014 Board of Directors to remain the same as in 2006-2010. These directors will hold the same positions as in 2006-2010: Kevin Crothers, President; Paul George, Vice President; Tom McDonald, Treasurer.

September 15, 2009 - Annual Property Owners' Fees will not be increased on January 01, 2010. Budget of $5,000 was approved for landscaping/flowering of front entrance area.

September 14, 2008 - Annual Property Owners' Fees will be Increased 10% on January 01, 2009.

September 14, 2008 - At our annual property owners' meeting, it was unanimously agreed to enforce these rules with highest priority - all of which are in some way, covered within our covenants:

  • All Personal Care, Toiletry, Food items and any other items that could be harmful to injest, must be garbage-bagged, but also are now Required to be Contained Inside a Garbage Can, when left for trash pick-up Wednesdays and Saturdays.

  • Parking Vehicles in the Street for any amount of time is not alowed. Parking vehicles in any way that obstructs USPS mail delivery is a federal offense, and certainly not allowed. Regular parking of vehicles in driveways is not alowed; vehicles are to be kept inside garages, and out of sight. If you are in a position where you must regularly park a vehicle in your driveway, please USPS notify us, letting us know why and for how long.

  • Property owners must Maintain Mailboxes - at no expense to the neighborhood. If the BoD decides any mailbox needs maintenance and is not being attended, we may remove and repair the mailbox, and will bill the property owner for the material and labor required for the repair.

  • Each Property must be Maintained by the respective property owner. If the BoD decides a plant is not being maintained, we may care for it and bill the property owner, or we may remove it at the property owner's expense.

  • Take time to Fertilize and Water your Grass. April and October are the months to fertilize and 13-13-13 fertilizer should be fine for most all the lawns. Please make sure to Heavily Water all Fertilized Grass for several days, Immediately After Fertilizer is Applied. If the BoD decides your lawn needs to be fertilized and/or watered, we may properly care for your lawn, and will bill you for our time and materials.

  • For the Two Open Lots (38 and 46), ANY POSSIBLE MATERIAL OR LABOR NEEDED to assure the open lot is not reducing the livibility and/or usability of the adjacent lots, will be provided by the BoD and billed to the owner of the lot.

  • Leash Laws will be strictly enforced.

  • Perimeter Fencing will be Completed by the BoD, and all material and labor will be billed to the respective property owner(s).

September 08, 2008 - Mark S. Jordan no longer owns any of his initial-PRVWSD-leased "Mark S. Jordan co.-owned" Harbortowne lots. The current Harbortowne POA Board of Directors has assumed all roles and responsibilities for this Harbortowne neighborhood/development, 100% managing and administering our "STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, COUNTY OF MADISON, DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR HARBORTOWNE" and our "BYLAWS OF HARBORTOWNE PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC." Sole Responsibility of the only remaining Harbortowne service controlled by Mark S. Jordan co. (Architectuiral Reviews and Approvals for Harbortowne), has now ben transfered to the current Harbortowne POA Board of Directors.

June 04, 2007 - The Harbortowne Board of Directors is now assigning Special Fees to all properties that have violated our our covenants since our initial covenants enforcement letter, sent September 18, 2006. Letters to all property owners, updating them on who has violated and/or is curently violating which covenants were sent June 04, 2007.

[ Download the June 04, 2007 letter in PDF format ]

To summarize, we've had and/or currently have these violations since September 18, 2006:

  • A ski-boat/trailer being parked on the street/sidewalk
    [06/09/2007 - resolved by RPD]

  • Perimeter fences not in place or not meeting height requirements - without our Architectural Review Committee's approval

  • Property owner vehicles parking in driveways - regularly - without exception approval

  • Visitors of property owners vehicles being parked in the street - regularly - without exception approval

  • Satellite dishes on the sides/tops of houses - without our Architectural Review Committee's approval

  • Vacant lots not being maintained

  • Yard sign mis-use - without our Architectural Review Committee's approval

September 18, 2006 - The Harbortowne Board of Directors has told everyone at many of our POA meetings, when we receive valid complaints, we will enforce operating within our covenants, and - if needed - will assign special fees allowed by them. Multiple Covenants Violation Enforcement Requests now been made by Harbortowne Property Owners, and so, formal Enforcement of Covenants has begun. Letters have been USPS delivered to all Harbortowne Property Owners, asking for them to immediately do what is needed to not be violating any of these sections within the covenants:
  • Section 10.08. Parking Requirements.

  • Section 10.11. Utility Lines.

  • Section 10.18.1 Perimeter Fences. [extension to Section 10.18 - allowed by Section 13.27] Perimeter Lots are required to have *APPROVED Gateless Fencing erected and maintained along any of their property that borders Harbortowne's Perimeter. Under no circumstances and at no time can there be an unfenced path from outside of Harbortowne, across a Perimeter Lot, to any other land within Harbortowne. *Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 are required to construct and maintain a 8' BRICK & WROUGHT IRON Step-Down fence on the perimeter lot line of their property that meets the exact specifications of the fence that is on the perimeter lot lines of lot 4. *Lots 57, 58, 59, and 1 are required to construct and maintain a BRICK & WROUGHT IRON perimeter fence (as needed to properly connect the the existing fence) on their property that meets the exact specifications of the fence that is on the perimeter of lot 57. * Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, and 37 are now required to construct and maintain a 6' minimum height 100% COPPERWOOD Step-Down or 6' minimum height BRICK & WROUGHT IRON Step-Down fence on the perimeter lot line of their property. Lots 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42 are now required to construct and maintain a 6' minimum height 100% COPPERWOOD Step-Down fence on the perimeter lot line of their property. Lots 43, 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, and 54 are required to construct and maintain a 8' minimum height 100% COPPERWOOD Step-Down fence on the perimeter lot line of their property. *Before constructing the fence, contact Kevin Crothers or Paul George for approval. Any exceptions must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee and Harbortowne's Board of Directors.

  • Section 13.04. Signs.

  • Section 13.05. Other Buildings and Vehicles.

  • Section 13.07. Antenna.

  • Section 13.19. Vacant Lot Maintenance.

  • Section 13.22. Motor Vehicles.
Starting, Friday, September 22, 2006, any violation of the above sections, will result in special fees being assessed and assigned to the violating property owner(s). If special fees are not paid within 60 days, late fees will be assigned and comments and/or liens will be placed against the violating owner's property.

These two sections were also mentioned within the letter: Section 13.27. Rules. and Section 13.28. Exceptions.

At a meeting on June 29, 2006, at 6:00 PM, our 2006-2010 Board of Directors directors were elected and announced, and our 2006-2008 Nominating Committee was formed and announced. The new terms for these four directors last from that day, until June 29, 2010. As soon as the Class B member does not own harbortowne property, POA members will vote to elect as many as five new elected directors from a pool built by our Nominating Committee. The terms for these directors will last two years from the day each of them is elected. This will stagger the coming and going of directors within our Board of Directors. This was majority decided during our June 29, 2006 POA meeting. If you have any questions concerning our Board of Directors, please first carefully review our BYLAWS and COVENANTS, and if you still have questions, contact our President, Kevin Crothers.

Mark S. Jordan now owns only one property within Harbortowne. As long as Mark S. Jordan owns a property within Harbortowne, and chooses to act as our Declarant and Class B member, Mark S. Jordan will control all Harbortowne "Declarant" roles and responsibilities. This will be explained at each annual homeowners' meeting. Please visit our Information page for more information.

The Board of Directors has defined and is now enforcing wth PRVWSD (Ricky Callaway and Ken Griffin) NEIGHBORHOOD PERIMETER FENCE REQUIREMENTS, so as of January 01, 2005, all perimeter property owners/occupants must construct and maintain a fence on the perimeter lot line of their property to provide a 100% "physical border" between all Harbortowne properties and the outside of Harbortowne. Please visit our Information page for the current perimeter fence requirements.

A Penalty Plan for violation(s) of Harbortowne's "DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS" and/or "BYLAWS" is being prepared and will be published on harbortowne.org. It has been proposed for ALL Active Violations to be posted on harbortowne.org! The Board of Directors will consider this one.

Harbortowne "DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS" and "BYLAWS" have been transcribed and published on harbortowne.org, and template links have been created for easy access, today - the 30th of September, 2004.

Harbortowne Property Owners Association's Home Owners Meeting Schedule has been changed, today - the 15th of September, 2004. Please visit our Information page for the new meeting policies and schedule.

On the 14th of September, 2004, we've got our first completely populated street! Congratulations to Frenchman's Cay and the owners of its 10 populated homes!

Harbortowne Property Owners Association's procedure for calling Emergency Meetings has been established, today - the 5th of July, 2004.

Harbortowne Property Owners Association's Board of Directors Meeting Schedule has been established, today - the 29th of June, 2004.

Harbortowne Property Owners Association's Home Owners Meeting Schedule has been established, today - the 29th of June, 2004.

Harbortowne Property Owner Association's Immediate To-Do's have been established, today - the 29th of June, 2004.

Harbortowne Property Owners Association's Financial Responsibilties have been established, today - the 29th of June, 2004.

Harbortowne Property Owners Association's Board of Directors and Officers have been established, today - the 29th of June, 2004, for a period of two years. Kevin Crothers (President), Paul George (Vice-President), Tom McDonald (Treasurer), and Norma Thiel were nominated and elected and will serve for a period of two years.

 ©2004-2014  Harbortowne Property Owners' Association, Inc.     
  Current Time - Date:  03:11 PM, Thursday February 06, 2025